Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to cut and paste from Word with the remove formatting tool

It is important to keep the style of the Mass Comm Week blog consistent. To do that, you should either type your content directing into the blog post box or, if you cut and paste from Word, you must remove the text formatting before you publish the post.

To remove the formatting, use the remove formatting tool. The tool is visible when you are in the compose rather than html post window. Highlight the text in which to wish to remove formatting. Then click the remove formatting tool. This sometimes adds and extra space between paragraphs, so you may need to go in and adjust spacing.

It is a good idea to preview before you publish.  You can also publish and then go back and edit to make any adjustments.

If you are worried  you won't remember how to do this, you can always check back on this blog for instructions. A link to these instructions will remain active in the right column of this blog. 

Failure to correct mistakes in formatting will result in a grade reduction on your story.

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